Tree-space launches New Woodland Creation!
Tree-space is delighted to announce that we will be assisting private or public landowners who wish to create new woodlands. One of the key tenets of Irelands National Forest Strategy 2023 – 2030 is to: “plant the right trees in the right places for the right reasons and with the right management - supporting a sustainable and thriving economy and society and a healthy environment”. Tree-space intends to embrace this principle and apply it to new woodland creation projects at the site level.
Each potential planting site will be assessed by a registered forester and a registered ecologist. The opportunities and constraints within a potential planting site will be evaluated and an appropriate woodland design created.
Our primary focus is on creating semi-natural native and broadleaf woodlands in urban and peri-urban areas. Rural locations will be considered upon request. We look forward to hearing from potential clients and contributing to an attractive diverse landscape, rich in biodiversity and providing healthier places to live.
Below are two infographics, the image on the left highlights the Environmental, Economic and Social benefits of urban forests (the image is from the Uforest project report number 3.4 - Unlocking the potential of urban forests). The second image on the right is an extract from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine National Forest Strategy 2023 – 2030. The infographic highlights the key stats from Ireland’s current forest estate.