Retention of mature trees on a new development site will provide many positive impacts for the property. Retained trees can provide visual amenity, increase property value by 10-20%, provide opportunities for wildlife and have a positive effect on the local landscape.
New developments can exert pressures on existing trees. Roots systems, stems and canopies can be damaged. In some cases, trees can be damaged irreparably, and their loss can have a negative impact on the local environment.
TreeSpace can undertake tree surveys in accordance with BS5837:2012 Trees in relation to design, demolition and construction recommendations.
The tree survey and report will assist your planning application and could ensure its success. TreeSpace can provide the following:
Tree Location Surveys
Tree Survey - Field Assessment
Tree Valuations
Tree Constraints Plan
Tree Assessment Plan
Arboricultural Assessment Report
Arboricultural Method Statement
Tree Protection Plan
Tree Pruning Works Schedule
Work supervision
Construction Stage Arboricultural Monitoring