Ancient & Veteran Tree Site Assessments
Old aging trees can offer great biological, aesthetic, and cultural interest. Old open grown veterans can display very impressive crown architecture. The open grown environment allows unrestricted crown development and a large structure for colonization by associated species. To an extent ancient veteran trees can be considered self-supporting ecosystems providing habitat for an abundance of lichens, bryophytes, fungi, specialist invertebrates, birds, and mammals.
Tree Space can survey and evaluate old tree populations. Individual trees can be tagged, mapped, and classified according to their individual attributes. The species of tree can be identified, and the habitat features recorded. The current condition of the trees can be evaluated, and an assessment of any unfavourable land use activities can inform future management decisions. The level of assessment can be adjusted to the requirements of the site and landowner.
Tree Planting Plans
‘The right tree in the right place’ is an important consideration when proposing a tree establishment project. However, it is recognized that up to 50% loss of trees is not uncommon within 5 years of planting. Up to 80% of the problems associated with landscape and urban tree loss originate below ground in the soil and root system. To minimize the risk of tree loss and increase tree health and longevity a detailed site assessment is recommended.
Tree-Space can evaluate the opportunities and constraints of a potential planting site. Existing features can be mapped and an assessment of the soil undertaken. The information collected in the field can inform tree species selection and planting location.
Tree-Space can provide the following:
Field Assessment
Existing Features Mapped
Tree Planting Plan
Tree Planting Schedule
Maintenance Recommendations
Work Supervision
Arboricultural supervision is often required on construction sites where trees highlighted for retention may be negatively impacted upon by construction activities. Tree Space can oversee the installation of protective fencing and provide arboricultural monitoring services throughout the construction phase.
Where tree surgery works are being undertaken Tree Space can provide a supervisory role to ensure on-site safety, a high standard of work and pruning quality audits.
Arboricultural Assessments for Infrastructure
Tree-Space is focused on the preservation of existing trees. However, as practicing field arborists we understand the conflicts and disruptions that trees & vegetation can cause to infrastructure. These conflicts can disrupt road networks, greenways, cycle & pedestrian networks, railway lines, electricity networks and internet service cables. Many of these problems can be avoided through proactive management practices. Effective management can result in a more resilient infrastructure network.
Tree-Space can assist tree owners with the following:
GIS based Tree Inventory
Targeted Tree Surveys
Tree Maintenance Schedules
Tree Mapping
Risk Zone Mapping