Winter tree interest!
Hazel (Corylus avellana) is one of Irelands native trees. The tree grows as a large shrub up to 6 m tall and often has a wide canopy spread of up to 5 m if there is adequate space for development. The tree is attractive during the winter months as the male flowers are held in yellow catkins which hang from the branches. The hazel tree is monoecious which means the male and female flowers are produced on the same plant. However, successful pollination can only occur with pollen from other plants.
There are approximately 240 male flowers on each catkin. During the later winter months and into spring the pollen from the male catkins is transported by the wind to female flowers on other trees. If pollination is successful and the female flower is fertilized it will produce 1 - 4 hazelnuts the following autumn.
Below are three images of the male catkins!