Baggot Estate Woodland Inventory & 30 Year Management Plan

Baggot Estate is a key urban green space in south Limerick City. The site is located in the townland of Ballinacurra (Weston) approximately 2 km south west of Limerick city centre. The area of the site is approximately 11.52 hectares and it has a distinct woodland character with a number of open glades. The site is utilized as a public amenity, nature park and urban forest. The development of the woodland began in the early 1900’s when a man named Francis Baggot bought the site and established the Fort Green Estate. Francis established a tree lined avenue from Ballinacurra Road to his dwelling house and planted a wind break around the house. The dwelling house no longer exists but the trees remain, and many have entered the mature stage of their life cycle with a number of impressive arboricultural features scattered throughout the site. The woodland continued to develop in the early 1990’s in what is understood to be one of the first urban forest projects in Ireland undertaken by the Paul Partnership, the Forest Service and the forester, the late Jim Gibbs.

Tree-space recently undertook a detailed inventory of the woodland and completed a 30 year management plan for the site. The field surveys included an assessment of the flora & fauna associated with the site undertaken by the project ecologist.

During the life cycle of the management plan the woodland will undergo a gradual restructuring. The management strategy will seek to satisfy the economic, environmental, and social benefits of woodland. Forest products will be harvested where appropriate, current levels of biodiversity will be maintained, and new species will be encouraged by creating a diverse habitat structure. Social activity will continue to be encouraged, and the site will be promoted as a key urban greenspace for recreation, education, and health & well-being.

Conor O Callaghan