Lucan Canal Urban Greenway Project
The Lucan Canal Urban Greenway scheme is a new proposed 4.5 km cycle path linking the Grand Canal Way near Grange Castle Business Park to Lucan Village. The proposed route travels north from the Grand Canal through Griffeen Valley Park and links up to Lucan Road from the Esker Lawns area.
Tree-space was contracted by the scheme designers in conjunction with the local authority to address the arboricultural implications of the proposed scheme. In total 167 individual trees, 11 tree groups and 8 woodlands were assessed for the project. There was a great deal of tree interest in the area with many high amenity trees, thirty-five different tree species identified, and an age class range from young to ancient/veteran. One of the highlights was an old beech tree established in a raised planter in Esker Cemetery. The estimated age of the tree was approximately 250 - 260 years old.